In collaboration with the United American Indian Involvement who has been awarded the U.S. Department of Labor Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Grant for Indian and Native American Program, Walking Shield serves the American Indian community residing in Orange County. This program provides job seekers access to employment training, support services, and the education necessary to succeed in today’s competitive job market. The program’s goal is to provide a long term career path to low income, unemployed, and under-employed American Indians to minimize the disparities they face in the workforce.
Walking Shield’s Workforce Development and Training Program strives to promote employment development in the Orange County American Indian community in accordance with traditional cultural beliefs and values. This program, which has provided over $460,000 in Employment Training and Services, is designed to prepare and support American Indians ages 16 and up, including our Indian elders with job skills, and training necessary for them to obtain gainful employment. It allows to develop more fully the academic occupational literacy skills of individuals.